
Showing posts from October, 2019

All Hallows' Eve 2019

Never was one for Halloween, what with children going from door to door begging for lollies and being taught that becoming an eventual tubby panhandler with rotten teeth is an attractive career option. Sorry kids, I'm afraid it isn't. This does give me the opportunity to throw this up though (its sort of horror related) -  the late, great Hasil Adkins and his common sense approach towards dieting, "No More Hot Dogs".


The world is a toilet at the best of times but that doesn't mean you need to be sucked into the cistern by having your joie de vivre flushed by unevolved adult children who don't deserve the time of day. Don't give in to the fools. You think they care about you?  They don't. So why should you care about their actions or their words? They are nothing. They are literally pathetic creatures projecting their own self-loathing on to you.  If you stay positive, the cretins will feel worse. Sad to say but that's good. Screw 'em, they're not worth knowing. Just pity them. A sense of decorum goes a long way. An unshakeable belief in yourself goes even further. Believe. You are worth it. You are.

Darling, it's not that you're ugly on the outside...

Carla Bellucci, vile narcissist and all-round piece of crap faked depression in order to get a nose job at the taxpayer's expense. After being found out, she's been given doctor's notes for stress leave that has been stretching into months.          Her spare time is spent at the gym and hanging out in nail salons. This woman is ugly. Ugly on the inside. A woman who works in an administration capacity and was once an ex-model. Who was she a model for, a firm that specialised in knock-off burqas? Yeah, I'm an arsehole and I'll be the first to admit it but in this case I feel that I'm totally  justified.       your author : he's an arsehole, he's a Virgo As it is, the mental health system                                                                          is...

Dance Music for the Apocalypse

End of the century, end of the planet, end of days. Late 1999 saw the release of Primal Scream's "Swastika Eyes (War Pigs)" single. Wow, it's been twenty years. This is the Jagz Kooner remix which appeared on the following year's "Xtrmntr" album (there was also a Chemical Brothers remix). From the  motorik beat onwards this just drives forward and forward and forward whilst showing no sign of relenting. Dance music for the Apocalypse. By the way, whatever happened to that pesky Y2K bug ?

Transgender Madness

Unethical psychiatrists with a saviour complex, destroying the lives of insecure individuals. The inner workings of the soul should be explored, one's self-esteem should be built up with the knowledge that your body is your body and it's okay. You are okay. No visit to Dr. Frankenstein to get your todger snipped off and a pair of fake silicone tits attached is going to improve how you're going to feel about yourself as a whole. Maybe on the most superficial of levels but for the complete person within, no. In fact, this is borne of self-loathing. Look at this poor guy. He's been turned into a quivering wreck. All in the name of  "progressivism". Just prescribe those drugs, attach yourself to some poor confused schmuck and watch those dollars come rolling in. These so-called health care professionals are nothing more than self-serving, money worshipping parasites whose only reward should be contempt.

Rock and Roll

She saved my life. She almost killed me.    I'll always love her.                                   

The Cygnet Cynic

nb: For those who have wandered in, seen this post and gone "... what?" - I suffer from bouts of depression  and was referred to a  den of psychologists for assessment. Things ended up going south fairly fast. Faulty technology, misinformation and the  shifting of responsibility apropos  made sure the only winner was  cynicism.

Psychology 103

Me, despair éclair citaloprammed to submit hollow promises                                         (haiku)

depression 2019 =>>

Place yourself in a situation where hope seems forlorn, where no reasonable outcome seems discernable or even desired. Where the weight of the world is enveloping you in a hazy morass of misplaced despair where you question your place on the planet and the point of your existence. Depression. What a bitch. This may sound like a cliché, but there is always light. The end of the tunnel is coming and you will reach it.  Take it one day at a time and leave the old cow floundering. You really are worth it. And so am I. We all are.