
Showing posts from December, 2021

Table of Contents : 2021 (Jul.-Dec.)

TABLE OF CONTENTS pt. 2 Love is Blind No Relief for Percy The Odyssey of Ubax Gardheere The Spectre of Roadside Assistance Past Psychology 112 Collapsing Buildings and The Stomp Happy World Chocolate Day WHO Propose Another Chinese COVID Probe Dateline : 200/21 Release the Ducks Hey Noah, You Got Room For One More? April Showers Bring Twenty-First Century Dyslexia Rune Discovery : 2147 Pervert Doctor Who Impregnated Women With Own Sperm Forced To Gag On DNA Findings The Re-Reckoning CXLII fit VII BLM = Buy Luxury Mansions IV : Deception X Trunalimunumaprzure : Afghanistaliban USB Cock-Up Get the Vax - Receive the Jack's TikTok Doc Dispenses Early Morning Java Warning W.A. Chimes in with New Taco Bell Doggie Dearest Stomp in the Key of C½ Coffee Deficit : 2020s CHEER UP!!! (it's October the First) Daylight Savings for Thee (but not for me) Sputnik is Sixty-Four Dead Father Creates Ideal Photo-Op, R.I.P. HEY! "Can a font be racist?" stompbook ...

21, 22, 23, 24...

the end is near for another year now where do we go from here? GOODBYE 2021

Anyone Versed in Myringoplasty?

My ears! My poor ears! I've only come across a commercial which is from 2010. I have never seen it before and I somehow wish I still hadn't. I'm assuming this was shown primarily in the eastern part of Australia and not the other side. It's a commercial for the Bonds tube bra where some models re-enact the AC/DC  It's a Long Way to the Top video while simultaneously butchering Ratcat's That Ain't Bad . Simon Day from the latter band makes an appearance at the 29 second mark. It's only an advert but what a painful experience. Bonds, did you have no heart unleashing this ungodly mess upon an unsuspecting world?

Boxing Day Redux

an alternate shot from a  previous  post (never mind that filthy rug)

It's Here!

Have a safe and happy one

Christmas Stomp

Countdown to Christmas : song #0 "CHRISTMAS STOMP" Taken from The Pasadena Roof Orchestra's   The Christmas Album which was released in  2011 .

Happy Wokemas


A message from above.

The message is do not trust this man.

Santa Claus

Countdown to Christmas : song #1 "SANTA CLAUS" Originally appearing on a Various Artists compilation in  1965 , this song by The Sonics is basically Farmer John with new lyrics. More specifically, the version by The Premiers released  one year earlier . -compare -

Degenerate Imprisoned for Sex Romp with Alsatian

Perverted creep John Goodier was previously convicted of possessing indecent images of children twice and on both occasions received suspended sentences. This time was different though. The depraved sex monster along with a bunch of equally morally bankrupt creatures embarked on a cocaine-fuelled sex orgy with a dog. This absolutely appalling incident took place about three years ago. It came to light due to Goodier having 31 photos of it on his laptop. Goodier was handed a sentence of twenty months. It's not sure if this piece of human excrement will end up being sent to a women's prison because he goes by the name of 'Claire'. Shouldn't women who are imprisoned have rights not to be forced to co-habit and associate with this type of thing? for more details click this  link  or check the screenshots below  

Father Christmas

Countdown to Christmas : song #2 "FATHER CHRISTMAS" The Kinks' Christmas single from  1977 .

The Great NFT Swindle : Christmas Edition

 I've made mention of NFTs (non-fungible tokens)  before and my opinion on what a waste of money they are particularly since their price tags seem to be grossly over-inflated. The purchase in this case was €107,000 in what is a replica of the first text ever which was sent in 1992 and said "Merry Christmas". There is an aspect about this whole situation which is good and that is proceeds from the sale are going to charity. For more details go  here  or see the screenshots below -

Hooray for Santa Claus

Countdown to Christmas : song #3 "HOORAY FOR SANTA CLAUS" A catchy tune from  1964  by Milton DeLugg and the Little Eskimos taken from the motion picture  Santa Claus Conquers the Martians .

Little Saint Nick

Countdown to Christmas : song #4 "LITTLE SAINT NICK" A  1963  single by The Beach Boys, released the  following year  as part of their Christmas Album.

Christmas Fortitude

Another day, another four degree rise in the expected Christmas Day temperature. At this rate, by the time it actually arrives we'll be contending with a 62°C scorcher. I was preparing to  melt (but not on this scale).

Little Drummer Boy (Up the Khyber)

Countdown to Christmas : song #5 "LITTLE DRUMMER BOY (UP THE KHYBER)" This was a bonus track on the Hoodoo Gurus'  1991  single, Castles in the Air . It should have been an A-side.

4 for Christmas

Last night, I made  an entry  pertaining to the sort of weather that Christmas Day may bring along with the attendant inconclusive results. The latest forecast has now jumped up another four degrees. I really hope this turn of events isn't going to progress any further into something even hotter but the odds don't look good. Prepare to melt.

Space Christmas

Countdown to Christmas : song #6 "SPACE CHRISTMAS" A single by Shonen Knife from  1991  which found a home on The Birds and the B-Sides  compilation around  five years  later.

Christmas to the (te)nth degree

Which weather forecast for Christmas Day (where there's an incredible difference of 10°C) shall I believe?

Cop Hating Purple Haired Courier Uses Vehicle To Crush Customer Order

 Tara Plum was supposed to be delivering groceries to an elderly couple but ended up destroying them. She was so incensed by a sign which lent support to police that she suffered an emotional outburst. This person (who is 36, by the way) left a message containing profanity on the receipt as well as using the groceries to test the durability of her tyres. She will be charged with criminal damage which could lead to a ninety day stretch behind bars. for more details go  here  or check out the screenshots below -

There Ain't No Sanity Clause

Countdown to Christmas : song #7 "THERE AIN'T NO SANITY CLAUSE" The Damned's Christmas single from  1980 .


Countdown to Christmas : song #8 "MISTLETOE" Taken from the  2007  Christmas-themed LP, Christmas 1979 , by Wild Billy Childish and the Musicians of the British Empire.

Christmas in Australia

Countdown to Christmas : song #9 "CHRISTMAS IN AUSTRALIA" Frank Sidebottom (with help from Little Frank) performs this number from  1985  taken from the Oh Blimey It's Christmas E.P.

Jingle Bells

Countdown to Christmas : song #10 "JINGLE BELLS" This track as performed by Don Charles presents The Singing Dogs started life as part of a medley in  1955  before becoming a single in its own right in  1971 .

No Xmas for John Quays

Countdown to Christmas : song #11 "NO XMAS FOR JOHN QUAYS" Taken from The Fall's debut album, Live at the Witch Trials , released in  1979 .

Christmas in Jail

Countdown to Christmas : song #12 "CHRISTMAS IN JAIL" a little tune from  1956 by The Youngsters


12? 12? 12 0n the 13th? What's up with this guy? I'm feeling particularly Christmassy for some reason (it's probably the season), so for the twelve days leading up to the 25th I've decided to post a yule-themed tune every day. I've only just decided to do this right now. I was aiming to start tomorrow and include Christmas Day but since my currently featured post  can be categorised as this type of song (which I'm going to be keeping up in this position for the next fortnight)  I'll start sooner. Like today.


 I thought it was time to enact upon an urge to alter  the layout of this blog and so here we are. (and there we were) v ... and away we go - - -

December Sixth is Put On Your Own Shoes Day

There's actually a holiday for this? Apparently,  yes . Confidentially, why?

BLM = Buy Luxury Mansions V : Smoke and Mirrors


White Supremacists Killed My Santa

Santa Inc., a production I haven't seen in its entirety but rather just the  trailer  gives an impression of a profanity laden piece of dreck filled to the brim with identity politics. It comes across as a cynical cash-in by people who possibly hate the season. Seth Rogen, unable to handle criticism as well as accept responsibility for the fact that his starring vehicle might be a little on the nose has blamed "tens of thousands of white supremacists" for its failure. I think its failure is more down to the fact that it isn't funny. To check this story out in slightly more detail go  here  (screenshots below)