
Showing posts from May, 2022

Reaction : Rejig & Return

 I said in my last post that I was all about  getting a fix via hiatus six . I will certainly do that. First, before I go, I  want to post a video I threw together for my  YouTube channel  just yesterday. For posterity, I guess, and just because. In fact, it will be two videos for the newer one is a radical reworking of an earlier one that I made (and which now drifts around unloved in the "Unlisted" section).  THE RE-MODELLED EDITION THE PROTOTYPE Two and a half months to come to fruition. With all the work being done yesterday. Take care. 

getting a fix of hiatus nº 6

As that wise man said  way, way back  at the dawn of time: It was as true then, as it is now. See ya later.

Styles Over Substance

I've moaned about this  before  as well as  before that  and here I am again. Some things will never change. Like the seeming irrelevance of the music charts due to the advent of streaming. Here is the Top 15 of the latest Australian singles chart. I have nothing personally against the man himself, but thirteen of those tracks are taken up by songs from Harry Styles' just released album. Every single track. Streaming has been responsible for the charts (in particular, the singles) for lapsing into a slow, painful decline. How much longer before life support is finally switched off?

Alchemising Urine into Beer

From out of Singapore comes the story of a brand new beer, NewBrew, made from recycled sewage. Being advertised as the greenest beer , it has been launched in a bid to apparently raise awareness of  the country's water scarcity issues . The term "pisshead" has just taken on a whole new level of meaning. For more details click the > > >  link  or check out the screenshots below -

May the 26th is World Dracula Day

Yes, it's true. May the 26th is  World Dracula Day . The anniversary of the publication of Bram Stoker's Dracula in 1897. Unfortunately, I don't possess a copy of that book so I did a bit of a compromise in the picture above. To commemorate, chew on this. Bela Lugosi's Dead by Bauhaus -


  blog entry nr. two hundred and fifty

Moggy Morons Threaten Wildlife Harmony

Fraser Island is a domestic animal free zone due to the threat that said pets could pose to the native population such as the potential to spread disease. That modern day disease, social media narcissism, has uncovered a family who brought their puss along with them for the ride. The relevant authorities are now trying to track them down. for more details click this > > >  link  or read the screenshots below

ᎸᏬᏨᏦMƎ, I'd better just give you the link.

  May 25, Day 145 I tried to embed the following but being deficient in most ways technical I failed ~~ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /> <a href="" class="calendar365" title="Day numbers 2022">Day numbers 2022</a>   This is my idea of a clipboard. So anyway, here's the link - .

Elton Dogg


Harvester of Cheesestink

... and the courts aren't happy. Purveyors of stink,  Yarra Valley Dairy , from the Victorian town of Yering, were warned about the odour emanating from their premises on more than one occasion. The stench, described as, "sour milk with earthy characteristics" was found to contravene the Environment Protection Act resulting in a fine of $9087. I bet Yarra Valley Dairy are cheesed off at that. To investigate this story further, click this > > >  link , or check out the two screenshots below ---

Godawful Poetry for Godawful Times (5)

Spindle me this Unravelling the thread Biting reality (Chickenless head)

Reign O'er Us All, Each and Every One

... and still the rain keeps coming That's an assessment I can get behind.

Reign O'er You, Too

I'm pretty sure those ducks' moods haven't improved.

Reign O'er Me

This weather would even piss off ducks.

Psychology 115

This entry in the  Psychology 100  series may seem incredibly self-referential with too many of the facts obscured to gain a greater understanding of the situation this photo is commenting upon. I will say though, that this is an example of therapy gone bad when the trust between the client and the practitioner is shattered irrevocably. Any further entries shall revert to the previous format. Now I must dash as a federal election is being held today and my vote needs to be cast. Take care.

Social Media Sooks Slam Fatty Free Underwear Ads

Here we are in 2022 and what a sad state of affairs the mental health of some individuals must be to moan, whinge and complain over the most trivial of matters. Maybe they're just seeking attention in order to spark some vibrancy into an otherwise unremarkable existence. I've come across a news story that falls into the "who cares?" category. Over on  Reddit (which I've never been to or been a part of) some users are absolutely livid that  Myer feature no tubby men in their underwear ads.  The story makes mention of a woman who wrote in part, "I have a teenage son, and I don’t want him growing up feeling pressured by unrealistic body standards." The poor kid must be hiding away somewhere in embarrassment. I know I would have been at that age. I'd probably do the same now. Yes, this is a non-story made newsworthy by the fact that these sort of people walk among us. Unfortunately. for more details click this >>>  link  or check out the scree...

Future Vision - Part Four

 An exclusive sneak preview in the  2020 Vision  series. Scheduled to be unleashed upon the world on the 31st of December 2029, this one has actually been sitting around collecting cyber-dust for a little while now just waiting for its moment to shine. That's seven and a half more years to prepare yourself for what must be (and what has to be) one of the most momentous occasions the 2020s are going to offer. Excitement is at fever pitch as the realisation dawns that this monumental happening is, indeed, going to happen. Eventually. Please, nobody hold your breath.

Stomp, thee sage

In the early hours of Wednesday morning, I was feeling rather philosophical. Maybe it's a 3AM thing. text in above screenshot as fo llows   Throw your sanity out the window but still retain ownership. Embrace your imperfections and make them your own. Don't do plastic, do you. Maybe it is pretension which can be explained away by the time of the day it was was written. Maybe, but possibly no.