
Showing posts from October, 2023

Table of Contents : 2022 (Jul. -Dec.) / 2023

2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS pt. 2 preferred gender pronouns : Get Dancing on a Sunday Afternoon International Drop A Rock Day Sir Francis Walsingham In the Name of Stomp Psychology 118 Tricia Has Died Coincidence? Confidential Confessions #1 The 10th of Wherever the Wind May Blow Self-Absorbed Millennials and the Healthcare System Population : World x. hiatus #7 Jiggery-Pokery, Welcome to Wokery This Year's Model Egg is Life Tricent The Future is Dawesville On the Cusp of a Drool Pittsville Direkt The Capacity to Give Up on People Destroy the Old a misnomer of sorts An Open Letter greetings The Great Move, pt. two Lost in Translation The Enigma that was Stomp Faↄebook Faↄebook II Mourning Becomes Electra Subliminally Yours, Живой Журнал A Declaration from on High It is Written Joan Blondell Kicks Arse World Mosquito Day Pisshead Rabanne thought of the day full circle continuum 22.11.22 International Cheetah Day Unspiration COMING SOON Season of the Oæp Boxing Day Blues 2023 TABLE OF CON trois

 Ho-hum! Still not a lot going on in this neck of the woods. I would advise you to check out the  My Name Is Stomp  blog instead, that is if that particular place wasn't on hiatus until the new year. Don't let me stop you, though. The latest entry until the changing of the guard on December 31/ January 1 is  new Date (null)⁵⁴ . If the urge reveals itself and starts to become unbearable, then go right ahead and check the place out. You won't be judged for it, I promise.